Moscow’s women works regularly on site to apply plaster finish on walls and drywalls. Here’s Nathalia (on the left) who lives 2 hours away from Moscow and wakes up every day at 4:00am to prepare meal for her childs. Open smiles and two Russian words only were the way to communicate between us. At the end of the day, leaving the site wearing clean dresses, make up and hair done, she used to laugh out loud with the other female workers. 


Copyright © Photo karo_photo

Site manager Nikolaj 65 years old. Since I don’t speak Russian, when our translator was not on site, we used to talk with gestures and we understood each other. One week before completion of the works he brought me flowers he found behind his house, just because he understood I was tired. Next day I brought him a box of chocolates. Last time I saw him he stretched out his calloused hand to wave mine and suddenly he embraced me kissing my cheeks.


Flowers from Nikolaj.


Installation of the reception wall panelling.